Language courses for students
3.15 p.m. to 5 p.m. - 5.30 p.m.
Kindergarten and primary: free
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Why does our school offer language lessons to preschool and primary school children?
Research has clearly shown that bilingualism has positive effects on cognitive flexibility, intercultural skills and identity development .
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School programs that promote students' first languages and that make them resources for learning French allow students to grow cognitively and emotionally and thus to be more successful in French at school.
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As Jim Cummins (2000), a leading Canadian researcher argues, conceptual knowledge developed in one language helps students understand what is offered in another language.
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Our school offers you, in collaboration with the CFBW OLC program, courses in Portuguese , Romanian and Arabic .
Portuguese lessons
The Portuguese Republic in partnership with the French Community of Belgium offers free Portuguese lessons, intended for all children who wish to learn the Portuguese language.
Teachers give lessons in their mother tongue and adapt their projects to children taking into account their age and language skills.
Class times :
Tuesday and Thursday (1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.) - for children attending kindergarten (M1, M2, M3)
Thursday (3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.) - for children attending 1st and 2nd primary
Thursday (4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.) - for children attending grades 3 to 6.
For registrations contact:
Phone : 0496 92 51 23
E-mail :
Português courses
A República Portuguesa em parceria com a French Community na Bélgica disponibilizam cursos de português gratuitos, destinados a todas as crianças that pretendam aprender a Língua Portuguesa.
As aulas são lecionadas em português e os programas são adaptados tendo em conta a idade eo domínio linguístico de cada criança.
Horário das aulas :
3ª feira e 5ª feira (13h00 to 15h00) - Pre-Escolar (M1, M2, M3);
5ª feira (3:00 pm to 4:00 pm) - crianças que frequentam o 1º e 2º anos do ensino belga (P1, P2);
5ª feira (4:00 pm to 5:00 pm) - crianças que frequentam o 3º, 4 °, 5 ° e 6 ° anos do ensino belga (P3, P4, P5, P6);
Registered :
Odete barqueiro
Tlf : 0496 92 51 23
E-mail :
Romanian culture and language course
Romanian language, culture and civilization courses offer Romanian or Moldavian children the opportunity to keep in touch with the Romanian language and culture, facilitating the learning of French because any foreign language is learned more easily if one knows good mother tongue.
The lessons involve interactive and interdisciplinary activities, in a format of two hours of lessons per week per group of students. At the end of the school year, students enrolled in the courses receive a certificate of participation from the Romanian Ministry of Education.
Contact: Alina Nedelcu
Phone : 0483 38 18 92
E-mail :
Cursurile de limbă, cultură și Civilizație românească oferă copiilor români și moldoveni posibilitatea de a păstra contactul cu limba și cultura română și în același timp de a învăța mai ușor limină călăină prăineme, pentric, limerneu maiii, pentreme maiii
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Cursurile presupun activități interactive și interdisciplinare în format de doua ore pe săptămână pe grupă de copii. La sfârșitul anului școlar, copiii care to the frecventat cursul primesc din partea Ministerului Educației din România a certificate of absolvire.
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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Contact date: Alina Nedelcu
Phone : 0483 38 18 92
E-mail :
Arabic language and culture course
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Dear Parents,
This year, we are offering an “Arabic” language course at school. The Arabic language and culture course will start from the beginning of October and will take place every Monday and Thursday from 3.15 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. at the Institute of the Daughters of Mary.
If you enroll your child, he must be regular throughout the year.
This course is free and is organized in collaboration between the Wallonia-Brussels federation and the Moroccan embassy in Belgium. It consists of learning the classical Arabic language: oral and written, grammar, vocabulary and cultural dimensions: history, geography, poems, tales and customs.
If you wish to register your child, you can contact us at 0484.514.029 or by email at
You can download, print, complete and return the course registration form to the school .
إلى كل الآباء و الأمهات
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لقد تم هذه السنة إحداث دروس للغة و الثقافة العربية داخل مدرستكم تهم كافة تلاميذ المستويات الابتدائية بالمؤسسة 0 و عليه نهيب بكل الراغبين في تسجيل أبنائهم بضرورة ملء الاستمارة المرفقة و الالتزام بتتبع الدروس طيلة السنة الدراسية 0
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هذه الدروس هي ثمرة تعاون بين الطائفة الفرنسية ببلجيكا و سفارة المغرب ببروكسيل ، و تتكون من الطاىفة الفرنسية ببلجيكا و سفارة المغرب ببروكسيل ، و تتكون من درىس فقيبيرة العيبة العيرة العيرة العيرة العية تاريخ و جغرافية و عادات و تقاليد ٠٠٠
تتوزع هذه الدروس بين يومي الاثنين و الخميس من كل أسبوع ابتداء من الساعة الثالثة و الربع بعد الزوال و حتى المساعة الخخ