Parents cafe
A privileged moment to meet and get to know each other. A moment to take time together in order to talk about the school and to collaborate for a better bond between the school and the family.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
We welcome you around a coffee, a tea and a small snack with a benevolent listening. A space reserved for parents, dedicated to exchanges between adults which would allow the word to circulate, to prevent, to create.
Target audience :
parents from school.
Partners :
The school's PMS
The commune of Saint-Gilles
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
mid February
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Parents' Café n ° 1 2019-2020 :
Meeting that took place on Wednesday 23/10/2019.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
During this parents' café, we discussed the following different themes:
- Direct contact between parents and teachers at school.
- The language barrier: parents who speak little or no French.
- The class diary.
Following these discussions, here are the concrete actions that were decided:
-The ephemeris will be posted on the school website.
- Useful documents to print such as absence tickets for example will be made more visible on the school website.
-At the beginning of the year, each parent will receive the useful numbers and email addresses of the members of the educational team (management, educator, mediator, PMS) via a label in their child's class diary. These numbers and email addresses will also be visible on the school website.
-From next year, a pole of volunteer parents translators will be set up to help parents with difficulties in French. A questionnaire will be developed and given to parents at the start of the year. Parents who master a foreign language and who are willing to join the "translation center" will be able to express themselves via this questionnaire.
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Other actions will follow thereafter in partnership with the management and the teaching staff.
Parents' Café n ° 2 2018-2019 :
Meeting that took place on Wednesday 06/12/2019. The purpose of the meeting was to provide the results of the survey carried out during the previous parents' café. This survey allowed us to target the three themes of the next three parent cafes that will take place during the 2019-2020 school year. Here they are :
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Communication between home and school
The screens